
Friday, September 4, 2020

Teddy Marta - New Teddy Bear Pattern

At first, I have to go back to the year 2018

Then I came up with my very first jointed teddy bear pattern. I did both 4-way and 5-way crochet teddy bears: One name was Marta and another one was Villem. 

This is Villem that is 4-way jointed teddy bear and is waiting its turn to be published. I started off with Marta and it took incredible turns. 

And this is Marta from the year 2018

They made part of the same pdf pattern. This year I decided to make individual downloadable patterns (easily followed) for both designs and I started working. What actually happened is that the whole process took over and I came up with two versions of how to make a jointed teddy bear (also jointed at the neck) and not only. I did go even further. I continued to search ways how these TEDDY BEARS could be played in many years' time - meaning, how could they keep their shape and how to avoid the head to get floppy. As to the result, I was able to release the teddy bear pattern which is a very cute, simple design (wanted to keep that one) and could be used many times to crochet different teddy bears. And there is a very important thought behind this design - LESS SEWING - I know some crochet toymakers can´t stand that part at all. So this is something for them. Plastic joints are used and places, where to insert the ready-made body parts, are all marked in the pattern. 

And I must say I´m really proud of myself. Not because I did it but because I didn´t give up finding the best possible way for this cub like a teddy bear to be released as a pattern. It contains 25 pages and photos. Also videos on my Instagram, a short-cut to those: Crochet Video Tutorials to illustrate some steps and processes. Some crocheters are more visual and that´s why it´s useful to follow these as well. 

Some photos of the process itself (like 1%, hahaa).

Final Result. I have put a lot of time and testing into this design. Now you can purchase this pattern for a small thank you price

Fully Jointed Teddy Bear Pattern on Etsy

Teddy Marta Pattern on Amigurumipatterns


Jointed Teddy Marta on Ravelry

You may use the pattern all over again. Start making these artists bear like toys for loved ones but why not to challenge yourself or to start a little side-hustle to earn from your ready-made crocheted teddy bear toys. Everything is done for you. You may even purchase joint sets and my hand-painted eyes for this particular design. And always tag! Why? I may be able to share your work as well on my Instagram, FB etc. 

And I´ll come back for more posts and amigurumi toys. photos, videos etc.
Meanwhile, happy crocheting, and don´t forget to follow me on Happyamigurumi on Instagram
Why? Pic or a video per day! 

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